#otp | soft butterfly
bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 2 years
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Emala glanced at her phone, keeping track of the directions he'd given her. Okay... turn right... pathway... bannister...
The pirate sighed softly to herself when she saw him. "Hey darling." She held up the bag of food in her left hand, carefully cradling a cardboard box full of bottles. "I wasn't sure if today's mood is whiskey, bourbon, scotch, wine, beer, vodka, tequila, or rum. So I bought one of each. Actually two of them are the same but one is green apple flavored."
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natalievoncatte · 1 month
Kara knows, and that’s the problem.
She knows.
How does she know?
To put it simply, she’s Kryptonian. More specifically: a Kryptonian under a yellow sun, whose wavelengths of light bring forth her genetic heritage when she basks in its rays. If long lost Rao was once her father, Sol is her mother, raising her up to be all that she can be. A creation of a lost super-science, a power to rival gods, a force that made the Guardians tremble in their emerald tower.
Kara can see everything.
The world is alive with light. It cascades and bounces and caroms off of everything. More than that, Kara’s world is bathed in a thousand thousand hues the human eye will never know. When she looks at a person she can see the electrical conductivity of their skin and the heat bloom of their flesh and a myriad of other details, some of which other humans can pick up on a subconscious level, others that humans haven’t even discovered yet.
Kara can hear everything.
She can hear dog whistles and butterfly wings beating and the secret language of cats. She can hear the crackle of radio waves beating the atmosphere and the music of the spheres. She can memorize human heartbeats and pick out the slightest variation, the tiniest wobble that the owner of the heart never feels.
Kara can smell everything. She can sift between the scents of ingredients in her honey bun, detect poisons in a friend’s wine or flowers in a park half a state away. Sharks would be jealous of her. She can scent people but also their moods; fear smells horrific, sickly sweet and rotten. Joy smells hot and bold. When someone walks in the room, she can tell what they had for breakfast, smell of they’re sick, pick out the fragrances of their emotions.
Kara can feel everything. A touch can betray or affirm. To hear a heartbeat is one thing, to feel it another. Her fingertips can read the surface of another’s skin like braille and she can detect the slightest changes in temperature or perspiration, feel the thrum of contentment or fear in an embrace. Her touch is not dulled by her invulnerability. It as sensitive as her other senses.
Kara can remember everything. The day she stepped from her pod into the brilliant golden sunlight beneath a blue sky was the last time she would every forget; her now empowered brain can recall events in the finest detail, down to the soft timbre of another’s voice or the way her hair fell over her shoulder or the softness in her gaze. And so Kara’s memory is hers to be kept forever, never to lose the sight of her.
That is how Kara knows, and knowing that Lena Luthor loves her is a pain so terrible that she almost wishes she could be spared that pain. When Lena sees Kara, her heart leaps and her breath softens and she comes alive with light, bathed in an auric glow more beautiful than a red sunrise. Kara wishes that Lena could see herself as Kara sees her. Radiant, angelic, a little holy.
Lena loves Kara Danvers, the bumbling awkward nerdy shy girl from Vaguely Canada who brings her burgers and donuts and OTPs.
She doesn’t love Supergirl and Kara doesn’t think she could.
That’s how the torture happens. Kara’s infinite perception becomes a self-imposed exile. She sees and smells the way James lusts after Lena, right in front of her. Baffled, she listens to the calm in her heart when they kiss and once she wakes frantically in the night, reaching about to sift through the city soundscape when she hears Lena’s voice cry out, then the sound of Lena’s heart racing and other sounds, and not for the first time, she pleads with a god she doesn’t know to make her human and free her from this curse.
She seeks feeling of her own. It’s pleasant enough but it lacks something undefinable, like a pleasant chocolate cake that becomes unbearable because she could have had something far sweeter and more filling instead. He tries in a fumbling way but it’s to please his own ego more than sate her desire. Then one day he is gone and in his absence all Kara can feel is a dull numbness, a ragged wound with all the nerves scraped out so that only a dull absence has been left behind, leaving her broken in a way that cannot be defined much less repaired.
Kara cannot help but snap her attention to the sound of Lena growing agitated, no matter how distant or minor. She hears harsh words and the heavy thud of a limo door closing and hears the sharp intake of breath as James realizes the mistake he’s made, and though he is her friend and he matters to him she feels a feral, possessive joy that borders on the cruel. It is a hard feeling, a red feeling, a sharp smelling mean feeling that tastes cold on her tongue, this resentment of the man for having a pale shadow of what she could have but wouldn’t.
Lena loves Kara Danvers and Kara Danvers loves her back, but she can never know because to know she must know all of her. Know the Other, the Super, the Alien.
Kara is two people and one of those people has been, well, a bitch.
Because Kara feels spending else. A green feeling, a sick feeling, the feeling of blades flensing flesh from bone while her veins turn to glass and her body burns to ash, the shocking pain of a little piece of home. A little piece that Lena made and didn’t tell her, and Kara makes the worst mistake.
She stops being Supergirl and is just Kara Danvers in a colorful suit, angrily refusing to ask Lena the question: I love you, how could you do this to me?
She does love her. She loves her laugh and her secret smiles and how soft she looks when she’s deep in thought. She loves the pain in her, the mirror of her own. She cherishes it as she wants hers to be cherished, held close by someone who knows what it’s like to watch your world explode or slip beneath still waters and be gone forever. She knows what it’s like to wonder what could have been and know the price you paid for what you have now.
She wants Lena so terribly that she’d almost choose the pain of Kryptonite instead of an eternity of this longing. She needs her, craves her, thirsts for her.
One night Kara realizes what she’s been doomed to. Another will succeed where James failed, and Kara will be spared none of it, and it will endure forever. She will carry memories of Lena in another’s arms into the sun dies.
“I don’t know why I agreed to this,” Lena says.
Kara -Supergirl- says nothing at first.
“I have to fly you.”
Lena nods. She’s doing this for Kara, because Kara asked. When Supergirl extends a hand, Lena takes it and Kara gently lifts her from the ground into a bridal carry, and they fly.
The trip takes nearly an hour. Kara can’t fly too fast or too high. Lena accepts it without complaint.
They land far north of National City, where the warmer climate yields to deciduous rainforest. Kara brings them down on a bare hilltop, an island in a vast ocean of trees. Nearby on a folding table is a basket. It might be important later or it might not. She might have a life of joy or she might spend the rest of forever in a wasteland, waking each day to grief.
There’s only one way to find out. Part of her, the part that hopes, the part that makes her Supergirl, believes in this, in herself, in this moment. She has to, because the chain of events that led her here, flung across endless space to stand in starlight with the most beautiful woman in this world, it demands that it happen. This is fate. It has to be.
Supergirl stands beside Lena. She raises an arm and points.
“There. Second star on the left, and straight on till morning.”
Lena quirks an eyebrow and looks at her.
“You brought me out here for this?”
“Do you see that red light?” Kara asks. “It’s very faint. I don’t know if a human can see it or not.”
“I just see stars.”
“It’s Rao, my sun. I can see him. If I had a powerful enough telescope, I could see it. Krypton. The explosion won’t be visible to Earth for a thousand years.”
Lena looks up, her features bathed in moonlight- alive with a chaotic explosion of hues she’ll never see. She blazes in the night, her eyes a kaleidoscope from which Kara can never truly look away. She’s a rainbow.
Kara falters. Whatever she does tonight, this is it. This is forever.
“You said Kara would meet me here,” Lena says.
“Wait here, please.”
Kara turns quickly and walks into the dark, cape spreading behind her. Once she’s out of sight, she changes without restraining her speed, and walks back to Lena in a hoodie and leggings, hair in a loose ponytail and the back of her neck and hands in her pockets.
She walks back to Lena and stands beside her.
“Hello, Kara.”
“Hi, Lena.”
There is a tense silence between them. Kara devours the moment, consumes it so it will live forever, just in case this is the last time she sees Lena.
“We’re not far from the reservoir,” says Lena. “Why did you ask Supergirl to bring us here?”
Kara swallows hard. “I realized something really important near here.”
Lena turns to her. “What was that?”
“That there was someone who mattered to me a lot, and that I was willing to risk a lot to protect her. There was a moment where I thought I was going to have time make a choice, you or the chemicals. I didn’t have to but I would have. I would have picked you. I will always pick you. I can’t help it.”
Lena is not stunned. Her heart doesn’t miss a beat, but Kara can sense her apprehension, her fear, and something deeper than that.
“You’re Supergirl.”
Kara lets out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and her legs wobble. There it is. It’s done. She’s free.
“I should have told you sooner.”
“You should have. You should have told me when we fought about the Kryptonite. I thought you would, hoped you would. I wanted you to so desperately, wanted you to trust me.”
Kara’s heart sinks.
“Wait, you knew? How?”
Lena laughs softly.
“The way you touch me. When you pick me up and carry me somewhere, you have this way about you. When I’m in your arms I feel like I’m the most precious thing in the world.”
“You are,” Kara says.
“That and you told me you flew to my office on a bus.”
Kara makes a small, choked sound.
Lena scuffs the heel of her boot against the ground.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was scared. I thought if I did, you’d see it as a confrontation and feel threatened. What about you?”
“I’m Kara. Supergirl is something I do, not what I am. When I’m with you I’m just me. I lose that with everyone when they find out. Kara isn’t my secret identity. Supergirl is. I’m just me. I just want to be me, I need to be me, and when I’m with you I am most myself. It’s like laying down all my burdens.”
“Same,” Lena said, softly. “You’re the only one who doesn’t treat me like an extension of my brother.”
Kara sighed. “Should we talk about the Kryptonite?”
“No,” Lena says. “Fuck the Kryptonite. Why’d you bring me out here?”
“To tell you.”
“Great, you told me. What did you think would happen next?”
“I thought you’d be mad.”
Lena nods and seems to think about that for a moment. Her pulse has quickened and her jaw is tight.
“Let me ask you a different question. What did you want to happen?”
Kara swallowed hard. “What I wanted was… for us to make up. Be friends. Work it out. I don’t want to lose you.”
Lena turns and looks at her.
Kara flinches.
“That’s bullshit, Kara, and we both know it. You’re a terrible liar. I wouldn’t be surprised if half the staff at CatCo know who you are. Don’t lie to me. Please. Give me the truth.”
Kara looks up briefly, past Lena. She sees that faint red glow and her heart swells in her chest.
“I love you. That’s the truth. I’ve been in love with you probably since our first lunch together and I want you so badly that I can’t breathe when I think about it. I know a dozen languages and half of them aren’t from Earth, and there aren’t enough words in all of them to tell you how kind and wonderful and beautiful you are. I love you so much that sometimes I think,” Kara fights the tightening of her throat, “I think I’m almost glad that I’m here and not back up there under that red glow. I don’t think I could choose a life without you.”
Lena lets out a long breath and Kara is bombarded with sensations. Lena’s pulse races and her shoulders relax and her skin blooms with an ethereal luminous riot of color.
“I’ll never lie to you again. I promise.”
Kara can taste everything.
Right now the only thing she can taste is Lena.
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In honour of @tentoorosemonth2023, here's fifteen brilliant and recent tentoo x rose fics i haven't recc'd before! please make sure to leave kudos and comment on these!!
all of these are tentoo x rose endgame.
*=multichapter, E=explicit
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the stars collide as the planets turn by hippiebanana132
Author's summary: Her eyes flicker open again, clear just for a moment below the matted red streaks in her golden hair. One hand still clutched in his, she raises her other arm with great effort to reach shakily towards the lapel of his brown jacket, dangerously close to his right heart. He gathers her hand up just as her fingertips brush his shirt, brings it up to his lips, tells himself the contact is for her.
My remarks: A superb slice of life fic in which we see the otp through the eyes of ten. So, so wonderful and emotional ❤️
Warnings: Mentions of a car accident; nothing graphic.
2. and now you are and i am now by @lordy-lou
Author's summary: He doesn’t find a single atom of regret in the ashes of his strictures.
My remarks: A short and sweet introspective piece on the immediate aftermath of the beach scene.
3. Hunger by @metacrisisdoctor (E)
Author's summary: His hands are out his pockets milliseconds later. He walks over to her in three large steps and cups her face in her hands and pulls her mouth to his. It's a hard, bruising kiss. It's a kiss he's held in far too long. It's the kiss of a man who stood at the grave of the woman he loves, and has been gifted with her resurrection.
My remarks: An incredibly in character exploration of how the OTP's first time could've gone down. A shot of serotonin. They ended up together!!!
4. Washed Up Together by @thirdeyeblue *(E)
Author's summary: Not long after being left on Bad Wolf Bay, the Doctor and Rose quietly contemplate why their relationship has yet to progress.
My remarks: An endearing and filled to the brim with good ol' pining take on early days of tentoo x rose; includes a drunk!Doctor and a bar fight 👀
5. The Existence of Pears by @bravehandsomehero
Author's summary: The Doctor is forced to face his greatest enemy in the name of love: Pears. Metacrisis Doctor/Rose.
My remarks: An incredibly fluffy slice of life drabble featuring expectant parents tentoo and rose ❤️
6. hush now to sleep, on the wings of a butterfly by @nostradamus0
Author's summary: Mia pretends to fall asleep in the car so she'll be carried inside.
My remarks: The absolute CUTEST kid fic you will read featuring the Tyler family today. Contains like, illegal levels of soft.
7. in human condition by @queenofthecon* (E)
Author's summary: Rose gives the Doctor nothing short of a miracle; and then the universe threatens to taken them both away from him for good.
My remarks: Compelling character study of the Doctor and how vulnerable being human makes him!
Warnings: Whump, blood and injury, pregnancy
8. Bad Wolf Rising by @wyntereyez *
Author's summary: Werewolves thrive in Pete’s World, and they’re determined to bring about the Empire of the Wolf.
My remarks: This fic is, tragically, incomplete as of now, but it's probably one of the most engaging chapter 1's i've EVER read, and i am DYING to know what the author had in store!! Featuring an extremely in character Pete's world ensemble and a very House MD-ish Doctor who's been permanently injured, and werewolves, this fic is definitely worth a click!
9. shackles by @gingerteaonthetardis
Author's summary: She should've known. Like, she really should have known. Maybe it was just that she'd gotten sort of complacent, sort of used to the comfortable domesticity of their new life. Maybe she was just a fool. But he made it so easy to forget. When he folded her socks and handed her plates of banana pancakes and grumbled at the remote control, how could she not? How could she be expected to remember? That the Doctor was, at his core, incredibly reckless and fundamentally stupid.
My remarks: An incredible and humourous take on the 'handcuffed together' trope!
10. Together by @uthers-bald-head
Author's summary: Christmas dinner in the Tyler household is hectic but joyful nonetheless. Rose finds her mind wandering to the Doctor, but not the one that sits beside her.
My remarks: Short and sweet, with a perfect hint of angst concerning the time-lord Doctor.
11. moonlit kitchen floors by @zmbiicrsh
Author's summary: "You were easily convinced, you just couldn't resist me." Rose jabbed at him with a teasing voice. Though she never really knew when he fell in love with her and neither did he. It sort of just happened. So it really wasn't a surprise when he said sincerely, "No, I really couldn't."
My remarks: Captures an incredibly tender moment of dancing in the kitchen for these two ❤️
12. Street corner at two in the morning by @messierfourtytwo
Author's summary: A day in the life of Rose and TenToo. There’s something that Rose isn’t telling the Doctor…
My remarks: SO FLUFFY. Makes you want to melt.
13. spaces in between by @naaer
Author's summary: The fate of Pete's World is at stake, but the Doctor and Rose still find time to take a minute
My remarks: Tender drabble set in a dystopian!Pete's world. Beggginngggg for an extension.
14. Opposition of the Stars by @abadplanwellexecuted (E)
Author's summary: Post-Journey's End, first night in a hotel in Norway fic. Rose and the Metacrisis Doctor end up sharing a hotel room, and walls come tumbling down.
My remarks: When i tell you my SOUL left my body upon seeing this notification!! Written as it is by one of the all time greats, of course this fic is incredible!
15. Stargazing by @elialys
Author's summary: He's not cradling her bump tonight, nor has he pressed his lips to her tense skin to murmur words she cannot hear, only feel. He’s using one finger on her, the tip of it gently tracing patterns on the curve of her stomach. At first, she wonders if he’s spelling letters, trying out the few names they’re considering for her, but Rose quickly dismisses the idea, not recognizing any letter—nothing English. What he’s drawing isn’t random, though. There is intent in the way his fingertip slowly moves upon her.
My remarks: Intimate and tender and brilliant. Forever manifesting your return to Doctor Who😭😭😭
And that's it for this list!! I missed out on quite a few, so i'll probably make another list next week. Show these stories all the love!!
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urfriendlywriter · 1 year
Friends to Lovers Prompts:
drop a hii if you're from my carrd<3
friends to lovers confession prompts
oblivious idiots in love prompts!!
soft gestures between friends turning lovers :(
gestures between friends to strangers turning lovers!
otp in denial about their feelings prompts!
"oh shit im in love with you" prompts!!
friends to loversss, heart fluttering moments!!
Exes to Lovers Prompts:
exes to lovers prompts!
Kisses prompts:
kisses prompts to give the readers butterfly ─✰
kisses prompts the sends the readers reeling > <
kisses prompts :))
10 types of kisses (has me on a chokehold)
"are we about to kiss rn?" prompts
-return to carrd-
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oh-nostalgiaa · 5 months
Writing Prompt Masterlist, Part Eight
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
The Prompts
28 Setting Prompts
50 Romance Prompts
76 Reasons to Kiss Prompts
100 Ways to Say I Care Prompts
A Seafarer's Aesthetic Sentence Starter Prompts
Acts of Physical Affection Prompts
An Incomplete List of Niche Kisses Prompts
Angsty Prompts, Part I
Appreciating Physical Traits Prompts
Blood Prompts
Characters Going to Sleep and Waking Up Together Prompts
Coffee Shop OTP Edition Prompts
Constellations Prompts
Couples Who Aren't Together Just Yet Prompts
Cuddling Prompts
Different Kinds of Kisses Prompts
Different Ways to Kiss Someone Prompts
Don't You Dare Pity Me Starter Prompts
Emoji Starter Prompts
Emotional Intimacy & Pillow Talk Prompts
Emotionally Charged Sentence Starter Prompts
Emotionally Intense Prompts
Expressing Love Without Saying I Love You Prompts
Five Word Starter Prompts, Vol. III
Flirty Prompts
For Muses Who Won't Get Out of Bed Prompts
Friends to Lovers Prompts
Friends with Benefits Jealousy Prompts
Gestures That Give Me Butterflies Prompts
God / Goddess x Hero / Warrior Prompts
Height Difference Prompts
Hug Symbol Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Statements That Hit Me Right in the Feels Prompts
Injury Starter Prompts
Just Fucking Around Prompts
Kiss Prompts
Lack of Sleep Starter Prompts
Laying in Bed with Your Lover Prompts
Letter Prompts
Love Language - Physical Touch Starter Prompts
Loving Actions Prompts
Meeting of Rivals Sentence Starter Prompts
More Friends to Lovers Prompts
More Random Angst Sentence Starter Prompts
Morning After Prompts
New Relationship Prompts
NSFW Prompts
NSFW Starter Prompts
Ouch, the Angst Prompts
Physical Touch Prompts
Prompts for the Budding Romance
Prompts for Comfortable Intimacy
Prompts for Deep Conversation
Prompts for the Romance of Hands & Touch
Prompts for Sharing a Bed
Prompts for Lots and Lots of Flirting
Prompts for Spending the Night Together
Prompts for Starry-Eyed Soulmates
Prompts for Touch-Starved Muses
Questioning Minds Prompts
Quotes to a Lover Prompts
Quotes to a Lover Prompts, Part II
Rattled and Relief Starter Prompts
Reassurance Starter Prompts
Relationship Progression OTP Prompts
Ready to Submit Phrases / Actions Prompts
Reassurance Prompts
Reuniting Lovers Angst Prompts
Rivals to Lovers Office Romance Prompts
Rivals to Lovers Sentence Starter Prompts
Rough Sex Sentence Starter Prompts
Send a Heart Prompts
Send a Heart for a Specific Kiss Prompts
Sharing Clothes Prompts
Short and Impactful Prompts
Smut[-ing] Prompts
Soft Prompts
Soft Prompts, Part 2
Soft Interactions Prompts
Soft Sentence Starter Prompts
Soft(ish) Angst Prompts
Soulmate AU Trope Prompts
Staying the Night Prompts
Sunday Themed Prompts
Supportive / Protective Vibes Sentence Starter Prompts
Tagged Inappropriately Prompts
Text Inspired Prompts
Text Messages Prompts
The Many Meanings of Hey Prompts
The Other Line Prompts
Therapy / Talking About Trauma / Post-Trauma Starter Prompts
Touch Prompts
Types of Bondage Prompts
Ultimate Date Prompt List
Varying Kisses Prompts
Wintry Prompts
You Are in Love Starter Prompts
Young Love / First Love Betrayal Prompts
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sessakag · 1 month
I find it pretty difficult to enjoy Sasuke-Naruto as a ship because the way Hinata is treated in that fandom space is disgusting and it’s soured me on the ship completely. But I really really love them in your throuple stuff! It’s nice to see them soft and caring for each other and being kinda snarky but ultimately loving without the thought of “oh this person hates Hinata” in the back of my head. And even when it’s a scene between the two of them, Hinata’s presence is still very much felt which I appreciate a ton. I’m never gonna care about NHS as much as NH but you’ve made the ship enjoyable for me so I’m really grateful!
For sure, there's some really toxic and nasty NaruSasu shippers that go after Hinata just because she ended up with Naruto, and I can't really understand it for her considering she's so damn sweet to everybody, and would be one of the only women to step aside if her husband truly wanted someone else, with no ill will, but, that's a them problem, not mine, lol. I separate the NaruSasu ship from that muck entirely and enjoy it how I want, and what really helps is that there are plenty of SasuNaru shippers I've met that engage with my throuple posts that are absolutely lovely and didn't mind Hinata at all🥰I even got some throuple converts out of it, which I'm always trying to recruit😉
I'm glad you're able to enjoy the throuple for once, trust me, I understand that feeling 100%. There's only a handful of NaruHinaSasu fics and too many of them treat one of the trio like an optional piece (usually Hinata) that can't enjoy the story at all, and that same though will be in the back of my head (this person hates Hinata😩) I'm not one to stew over it though, if I'm not finding what I want, I'm gonna go make it myself🤭
I can't help but mention the other spouse when one is missing. It's probably trauma after reading fics that keep leaving one person out, lmao, but I just have to make sure people know they all love each other, even when it's just two of them. Especially Hinata!💕She be getting done dirty in these dynamics😭
And I got you, I'm in the same boat, I love NaruHinaSasu, but NaruHina is my core, it is life💕my OTP forever💕💕💕
Still, I am very happy that you can enjoy the throuple too. That's all I want is for people that read my throuple fics or stories💕to enjoy seeing these three together because they really have a very cute, very interesting and lovable dynamic when they're all being loved equally. I want to write a lot more for this throuple (been too busy obsessing over NaruHina though lol), and hopefully, more people will give the throuple a chance and that it will help shift the current negative perception of this throuple due to the venom of a few writers😩because you are certainly not the first person to bring up the venom souring them on NaruSasu and consequently, NaruHinaSasu.
I've got about 5 NaruHinaSasu fics coming up that I'll be posting some time this year, and the ones I already have out will be getting some love once I finish a few things with Butterfly and Prey. I'm really excited for these new stories and I hope they're something more people come to enjoy🥰
Thanks so much for dropping by to share your feelings about this ship and your feelings about my snippets🥰makes me super happy!
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leagueofdccm · 23 days
Michelle and Soldier Boy for ship memeee 💕
ULTIMATE SHIP MEME! || @twiicetheheart
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Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Fucking. Forever.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - I don't wanna say too quick, and i don't wanna say it took forever for them also. least for soldier boy, the second something happens to her that involves dealing with homelander. whether she was hurt-- or just feelings hurt, i think seeing the look on her face--- broken and all, that's when he realizes... that he hates seeing her sad, hurt--- and that's when it hits him that he loves her.
How was their first kiss? - oh my god. you know michi and i haven't talked about that, but i do have an idea of when they first kiss. def think it's when he tells her about his past-- like his real past, and also telling Michelle about his time with the russians-- maybe not entirely, because lbr he's still trying to block our most of his trauma and also probably can't recall what ELSE they done to him. -- but i imagine when he finally gives his name to Michelle, not his supe name. his real name. like letting her in--- fully. which he hasn't done in a long time. and also i think Soldier boy would be the one to make the move first, it would have been soft. despite who he is, cause he's not a soft man-- but with Michelle ? he's definitely got a soft spot for her. It would have been sweet and slow, filled with so much emotion, want & just vulnerable.
Who proposed? - lbr soldier boy would. he's old school. man bs.
Who is the best man/men? - .... nobody. LMAO WHAT FRIENDS ? xD
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - damn idk. starlight maybe xD though she's gonna be like Michelle--- him ? LMAO idk guess we gotta see what bg characters are Michelle's friends.
Who did the most planning? - Michelle would. but why do I feel like she would try to still have him involved in SOME STUFF.
Who stressed the most? - Michelle. She's planning it after all.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -
Who is on top? - soldier boy is top dog-- but that doesn't mean he won't switch to let Michelle *cough cough* ride him.
Who is the one to instigate things? - soldier boy ! LMAO C'MON how can he not ? she's a babe.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - listen soldier boy is a supe, he's never out of energy he's always up for it, and also women can last so ayyye ! these two can go hand in hand-- unless Michelle gotta be somewhere and THEN a quickie is in the works.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - yes, soldier boy definitely is a man when it comes to wanting his women to cum. so yes, he will make sure she reaches climax before him ( which also means he cares about her, putting her needs before his )
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. // SO i think they can be both. cause it's SB and he def would have soft moments with Michelle, but also he's a dirty talker when needed.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - maybe two. soldier boy did say he wanted to be a dad after all.
How many children will they adopt? - none sorry kiddos.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Michelle but don't think she doesn't have soldier boy help-- she makes his ass.
Who is the stricter parent? - soldier boy ? in some parts, and Michelle in other parts. so equal-- but Michelle still would be softer.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Michelle LMAO
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - also Michelle
Who is the more loved parent? - i think they are both loved. but the kids would def be clinging to Michelle more.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Michelle. can you imagine soldier boy ? god no.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Michelle. soldier boy @ himself was like : don't you dare cry pussy. don't do it-- fuck I'm crying shit.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - soldier boy lbr. he's like i got you kid, i got you don't tell your mother.
Who does the most cooking? - michelle. soldier boy can't cook for shit.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - i think Michelle. cause soldier boy looks like he has more of an appreciation for good after being in the box for a long ass time.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Michelle. listen soldier boy did it once, and he only got meat/jerky/junk food/beer
How often do they bake desserts? - i think Michelle does it a lot when she has the time. cause she seems like she knows how to bake real good.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - soldier boy loves meat. I see Michelle being our salad girl for sure.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Michelle would be the one to do this. soldier boy though will surprise her-- and try to cook.... :) didn't go well though.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - soldier boy cause he can't cook to save a life, and to take her out and show off his lady.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - soldier boy.... for sure.
Who cleans the room? - Michelle does
Who is really against chores? - Soldier boy lmao !
Who cleans up after the pets? - both do. if they have
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - SOLDIER BOY
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - neither do. cause do they really have people come over ? LMAO.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - michelle. so it's hers now :) !
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - both. both do.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - if they have one i think they would both do it together.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Michelle does it for each and every holiday, and also ben enjoys it cause he's been gone for a long time-- and like i said i think appreciates things more.
What are their goals for the relationship? - stay alive is number one for sure. but also have each other back no matter what.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - neither
Who plays the most pranks? - neither
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imbiowaresbitch · 6 months
Year of the OTP December prompt.
A group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope.
Dean and Cas had been together for some time, and for Christmas Dean leads Cas on a scavenger hunt, note by note, to lead them to their destination for ten days vacation.
Along the way, they revisit special places and moments, everything that has brought them closer together.
Cas always knew that Dean sometimes had trouble with words, but in the end, the right ones are said.
“Ready for the holidays, Clarence?” Meg asked, looking uncharacteristically soft and comfortable curled up on Cas’ couch with a mug of hot chocolate. She took a sip and frowned. “Seriously, no booze?!”
There she was. Cas hid a smile behind his own mug.
“We’re going gift shopping in half an hour, and in case you forgot, my car is in the shop,” Cas reminded her, and Meg rolled her eyes.
“Clarence, your car has one foot in its grave. Ken-doll just doesn't want to spoil your Christmas by telling you so, so he's dragging it out.”
It was Cas’ turn to roll his eyes, and he took a gulp of his hot chocolate even as he scrolled on his phone.
“The shop is an hour away. The manager is holding my order, and they close in two hours. Can we go soon?” he pleaded.
Meg smirked at him.
“Look at you, all organised about presents an’ shit. Something's got you in the Christmas spirit!”
Cas grinned, feeling his face heat. He drank another mouthful of hot chocolate, trying to hide his pink cheeks, but Meg snickered at him.
“Dean made plans for us. He hasn't said what we’re doing or anything, but I'm supposed to leave everything up to him.” He gnawed on his lower lip a little, unused to giving up the reins. “Maybe I should ask Sam if I need to do anything…”
“Leave it alone!” Meg ordered with a laugh. “Ken-doll might surprise you.”
Cas nearly dropped his cocoa in shock. Meg was pretty sparse on praise for or faith in Dean, so for her to even suggest Dean had a handle on things was wildly out of character. Cas narrowed his eyes at her.
“What do you know, Meg?” he demanded.
She winked at him, sipping her hot cocoa and not saying a word. He kept staring at her, cocking one eyebrow up in question, and she rolled her eyes again.
“I'm not Dean, Clarence,” she pointed out sarcastically. “The dombrow doesn't work on me.”
Read the rest on AO3.
Many thanks to @cr-noble-writes and Danni for the beta!
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Happy birthday Hazama!! Like always, every time I'm like 'hey maybe I should draw my OTP from a fighting game, well, actually fighting, my touch-starved ass brain is like 'no, bad, draw them being soft and tender and cheesy instead' (repeat 2000 times).
From the get-go my approach was to make a springtime-based drawing - the addition of butterflies was just a natural progression cause I feel they add a bigger sense of freedom to the drawing if that makes sense? I wanted to draw them expressing happiness, freedom, relief.
His birthday is actually tomorrow where I live, but fuck it, I post it now because I can <3
Commission info / Don’t repost / Reblogs are encouraged / No mean things in the comments/tags. 
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ghostofyaz · 1 year
Fanfic Appreciation [Meme?]
Post recommendations for your ten favourite fanfics and tag the authors if possible. Tell us what you like about their work.
Tag five people of your choice to do the meme too."
I was tagged by @heroinejinx
Tagging all authors mentioned here and whoever sees this.
I did 15 because no one is the boss of me and I wanted to mention them all.
Lightcannon (Jinx/Lux aka my otp)
100 Beautiful and Ugly Words by elocuentelegance on Ao3 - This one got me addicted to Lightcannon as a ship. No happy ending, no end. But it's still so well written and satisfying to read in a sort of masochistic way.
Friction Coefficient by @blood-lich-crow - College AU, bad girl/good girl enemies to lovers. The descriptions and inner dialogues of the characters as well as their interactions, angst, and chemistry are so good. Plus there's a smutty side fic.
I Am the Thing with the Teeth that Lives in the Walls by @questionablecuttlefish - Gothic Horror with a scary haunted mansion and lesbians? Hell yes.
Love has all the Answers by TieDyeKing on Ao3 - Just a cute Modern AU in which Jinx and Lux are both SO into each other but just so oblivious and it's honestly adorable.
A Piltover Student in Demacia by @natdammit - I never got around to reading the CaitVi-centric part but this was so absolutely perfect. Powder is such a brave and crazy genius like she should've gotten the chance to be and she and Lux are so perfect together there is so much world-building and an amazing plot.
My Obsession, a Yandere's Tale by @cannibalelf - Sort of a Smut Crackfic, it's some of the most fun and hottest things I've ever read. Told from Lux's POV, a totally obsessed horny bastard. They also have soft moments sometimes.
Piltover's Prep Bullying Problem by Tanis_Zed on Ao3 - Another smut crackfic with Lux as a complete sub-masochist and Jinx as a bad bitch with anger management issues who's actually a softie. Good stuff.
A Bad Night by Vixie on Ao3 - Very kinky breathplay but it's honestly kind of sweet.
Lightcannon, but Star Guardians:
Don't Lose My Number by StarCola on Ao3 - A literal SG classic, the attention to detail on the formatting and also the characterization and storytelling through the chatroom medium are stunning.
Crossing Stars by @calchexxis - I think this is a work of art, like all of their works honestly. But I think this one isn't as talked about and it's so amazing... It has action, drama, mystery, feels, angst, it's so good... oh, not to mention four words: 'In every single dream.'
Leaving Safe Places by @ghostcairo173 - Very sweet first part, and then the second one hits you with the angst and scary vibe. They are just so cute together and I adore the way the friends-to-lovers is depicted.
Birds and Boats by @mira-blue - The first SG LC I read. It's very cute and the characters feel so real, love it so much.
Oroborus by @kattypixxhu - This is honestly just such a poetic and emotional smut piece I was obsessed when I read it.
Special CaitVi Mention:
Butterflies don't Belong in Zoos by AmberZ10 on Ao3 - Modern Popstar AU, it kinda inspired my B.I.G. Feelings fic with Jinx's characterization. The way it incorporates songs is brilliant, and the plot is very compelling.
Special CaitJinx Mention:
'A proper drink' by @heroinejinx - It doesn't feel so much like a crackship when I read this, they make so much sense, and they're so cute together. I love the angst and the guilt they both feel and how still that doesn't stop them, it's just perfect. Makes me wanna read more CaitJinx heh.
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Headcanon idea i mean? Agent24 Pearlina M4rie favorite place to kiss?
Your fic and headcanons SO— i like it so much
THANK YOU FOR THIS im so excited to give you these headcanons <3 here's the otps and their favorite places to kiss each other
Pearlina: Marina likes to kiss Pearl's head, whenever she's hovering over the inkling writing or working in the studio she can lean over and drop a kiss on the crown of her head. Pearl likes to kiss the back of Marina's neck and shoulders when they're spooning together in bed, since she's usually the big spoon it's her favorite thing to snuggle into her gf and kiss the base of her neck between her tentacle hair.
M4rie: Four likes to kiss Marie on the lips, in private when they're alone and they can hold Marie's face, admiring the sparkle in her eyes before leaning in to gently press their lips together. Soft, sweet, sincere. Marie loves to kiss Four's hands after they've been out working for a while, sore from gripping their weapon and Marie will kiss each knuckle and fingertip, then turn their hand over to kiss their palm while Four giggles from the sensation.
Agent 24: Three likes to kiss Eight's face and round octoling ears, they love the unique shape of their face and the rounded ears as opposed to inkling's more pointed ones. Eight blushes easily when Three showers her with butterfly kisses and turns more red with each kiss, which only makes Three continue because they love to see her blush. Eight likes to kiss Three's scars, the ones on their hands and arms from years of splatting, the ones on their tentacles where the hair has been visibly damaged, the one covering their eye from where Eight had splatted away the mind controlling goo that once made them fight. She kisses each and every one to remind Three they're still perfect.
Bonus! Shye: Shiver likes to kiss Frye's forehead and her face, when they're sitting side by side and she can easily lean over to give her a quick peck between live splatcasts. They like leaving trails of kisses from the top of her hairline to the bottom of her chin just to hear Frye's laugh as she soaks in the attention. Frye loves to kiss Shiver's chest and collarbones, where the bandages they wore rubbed too much on their skin and left behind faint red marks. She kissed them to soothe the irritation, to soothe their mind that no matter what they looked like they would always have Frye's love.
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bumblepuppy · 9 months
002 Oberon!
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character:  I want to treat him like a kneaded eraser. I want to study him under a magnifying glass. I want to catch him in a butterfly net. Robin Goodfellow gives me cute aggression. I like him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:  I don't really ship him passionately, but I get the Gudaobe appeal. I haven't read the recent JP summer event but apparently that makes it even better, so I'm excited to read that when it comes out in NA! (And hear Monty talk about what the translation got wrong)
My non-romantic OTP for this character:  His dynamic with Castoria is so... hhhh. I'm gnawing at the bars of my cage. I love this confusing cursed guy in a shitty world being kind to someone that has otherwise not received any kindness. The fact that she's hearing his Vortigern voice through the staff of selection too? Chef's kiss. Mwah. I love them.
My unpopular opinion about this character:  I don't think melon is his favorite fruit. I think, due to his always lying curse, he thinks it's fine and everyone interprets it as 'Haha, that Oberon and his melon!'. He thinks they're fine. He likes them alright. But sometimes he wants to enjoy a nice plum but everyone in Chaldea is giving him fuckin' melon.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: He should have given Blanca a kiss on her soft little forehead, and maybe even a nice treat or a chin scritch.
my OTP: Oberon x the beautiful person reading this post.
my cross over ship: Uh... hm, I dunno. Oberon/Kariya? Guy who is a bug x Guy who is filled with bugs. They both illuminate a certain part of my brain.
a headcanon fact: His favorite bugs are antlion larvae. :)
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squeezing him
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lunar-years · 11 months
Roy Jamie Keeley 11, 22, 45 for the otp ask!!
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
I don't think Roy could hide being upset if he tried. It is so very apparent when Roy is a Mood to literally everyone around him.
With Jamie, my first instinct is to say he wouldn't try to his emotions from them! However we did see him spiraling in Mom City without telling anyone, so I think it can happen. In that case, Roy was able to still tell! And then as we saw in the boot room, Jamie cracked immediately as soon as Roy confronted him. Which is to say, I think Jamie might attempt to hide things when he doesn't really know how to verbalize what he's feeling. (a la the "What's wrong" "I don't know, I don't know..." panic). Like, sometimes he's upset and he doesn't really know WHY he's upset so he feels like there's nothing to tell them, really, and then he convinces himself it's not a big deal and therefore not worth worrying them about. I still don't think he's intentional about hiding his emotions from them, he just has a tendency to close himself off when his emotions aren't really clear even to himself. However, Roy and Keeley recognize when this happens, and with their mildest of prompting Jamie is usually ready to talk.
Keeley would definitely be the most intentional about hiding her emotions, but only when she's upset about something that feels like a personal failing on her part. I think Keeley has a lot of feelings of inadequacy esp. in her career and she does have a history of hiding when she's struggling from the most important people in her life (Roy in s2, Rebecca in s3, etc.) I think Jamie is probably better and picking up when this is happening than Roy, but sometimes it takes their combined efforts and sometimes they do miss it completely. Keeley has to work really hard on learning to be honest and open up about things she's struggling internally with. However, if she's upset for EXTERNAL reasons she absolutely lets them know about it. Very passionately.
22. What reminds each of their partner?
Reminds Keeley of Jamie: anything football (obvs), very excitable dogs (lol), clothes/accessories she sees whilst shopping she just KNOWS he would love, the smell(stench) of Lynx 🙅‍♀️, her relationship playlist she definitely has for each of them
Keeley of Roy: football and the relationship playlists, again. Roy's cologne (Roy definitely has a signature scent to ME. It is a very high end cologne that he either found by chance or perhaps was gifted, really likes, and will never change because finding a new scent in the fragrance section with the two of them both weighing in sounds like hell on earth), aromas coming from the kitchen, ice cream and breakfast pastries
Jamie of Keeley: fuzzy blankets/pillows, designer shoes, anything that's little and cute (knick-knacks!!), nice and long cathartic talks, soft fabrics, flowers
Jamie of Roy: his beard oil, muppets :), the early morning breeze, airport book sections, any sort of weird obscure kitchen utensil he has know idea what it's used for (and therefore thinks, 'Roy would definitely know this'), really fancy & good cocktails
Roy of Jamie: vanilla vodka, windmills, muppets :), the color Pink, really stupid jokes he hears from other people and finds himself laughing at even though he doesn't find them funny. He's really just thinking about how hard Jamie would be laughing if he was there
Roy of Keeley: the color pink, glitter/sparkles, butterflies, planners/notebooks/any sort of organizational supplies, loopy handwriting, actual sunshine
45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
I think they have to by virtue of their lives/jobs. For instance, Jamie bunks with other players at away games even once he's dating Roy. Keeley goes to conferences and takes solo trips, etc. They all CAN sleep apart but they definitely feel coziest and safest when it's all three of them together, and whenever one person is gone and the other two are still at home, the bed feels too big without that person :(
Ship Asks
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plaguethewaters · 3 months
how about ctommy for the ask game?
ctommy.my beloved little man ofc hes the first
fav thing: the way He Talks, mostly because hes a mood. my man gas the most train of thought dialogue that i have ever seen i luv him. And also the gentleness he uses with animals and plants and how hes still a little shot thorough it. And also how hes scared as shit of dream but stood in front of tubbo when hed threatened them. and also how he tried to stay optimistic and light during pogtopia. And also-
least favorite thing: it. is hard for me not going to lie. it is unfortunately probably the Loudness because it makes it super duper easy to be over stimulated lol. Also the random poop talk. i know it contradicts the first point but i have Limits.
fav line: either "i never used to be this angry" or the butterfly metaphor, for more serious ones. But also very jockingly there is a little moment in the disc war where he goes "what are you gonna do about it?" to dream, and dream stabs him, and tommy very quietly goes "touche". thats my favorite ever.
brotp: do i even have to say it. but beside the obvious bench i have a very soft spot for tommy+fundy. they are so dsar to me
otp: if i have to ship him romantically, and tbh i strongly headcanon him as aro, id say allium. mostly because the cucking jokes would be immaculate
notp: i saw him shipped with niki once and lets say i am Not a Fan lol
random headcanon: he and tubbo both are actually pretty good at cooking on their own they just dont ever bother at all. Like once in their lives they are forced to do something More than cook steak and Eat, and tommy comes out with this intricate ass vegetable and fruit soups that anyone would die for. He would like to try being vegetarian but after his revival he is too dependant on beef for quick regen to ever give it up.
song i associate him with: i tend to go for duo songs rather fhan singular characters but like. Verdura by PTN is totally a callium song, and for tommy alone i reckon itd be Poison from hazbin hotel. Also the dj is crying for help by ajr.
fave picture of them:
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this one shitty doodle i made rewatching the disc wars.hes so baby
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serenofroses · 11 months
Prompt: “tol and smol”: [ CARESS ] for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one to kiss them.
otp: f! jedi knight oc x Tau Idair
A/N: heavy canon divergent, mirialan Tau Idair headcanon, hearing impaired oc, miraluka-sith pureblood oc, wlw content.
Jazz had lost count the times she had snuck out before anyone could notice her being absent from the social gathering, she wasn’t exactly an extrovert person and had adapted to use her stealth ability to make use for a quiet exit without a word, she didn’t want to burden her friends by disrupting their engaging activities or parties.
They were celebrating the victorious demise of of Emperor Tenebrae--or at least Jazz thought it was after she and the others had obliterated body of a Voice in the end. That victory left a grim taste in her mouth.
Tau was the only one spotted Jazz leaving the gatherings without saying goodnight to the seniors as it wasn't the first time Jazz had done this. She knew Jazz too well through the Force Bond who needed a breather away from crowded dpace and replenish her social batteries.
Jazz did not minded this, she’d rather be caught out by the one person she’s deeply connected with than anyone else. It became a common occurrence when the two wanted to spend time together to work on their relationship privately, which resulted in Jazz waiting for Tau within the halls before heading to the bed chambers together.
Tau had insisted to the crew she was checking in on Jazz before they turned in for the night, but to some, they knew better while the others were obvious to it.
“Sneaking out again?” Tau tutted in a playful tone at Jazz, “What should I do with you?”
Jazz held her breath eying the taller mirialan towered over with the height–she felt small compared to hers–then her face flustered as Tau’s hands were on her thighs before scooping her up within her muscular arms, back pressed up against the wall.
Jazz felt butterflies within her stomach, her face were inches close to the mirialan, almost brushed her nose against's hers. She wrapped her arms around to cling onto the mirialan's shoulders and leaned in to press her soft lips against her lover’s own, which in tutn Tau welcomed the indication with encouragement by returning the gesture.
They shared a kiss before it extended into a longingly, passionate makeout they desperately ached for all day. The mirialan held her lover securely in her strong arms, while the sith hybrid moved her hands from shoulders to cup her cheeks, rolling her thumbs in circle to caress her cheekbone.
They pulled away with a gasp, panting for air, gazing into each others’ eyes.
“Want to stay the night with me?” Tau proposed the idea, still catching her breath.
Jazz hummed in thought, “That's a rather promising offer--didn't we share a room together?”
“Mm, sure beats sleeping alone in your own bed, I guess.” Tau commented, rubbing her gloved hand along Jazz’s thigh, “We don’t have to do anything, you know.”
Jazz shivered with anticipation from the touch, drowning in the sensation from Tau’s caresses and unwavering emotions shared between their Force Bond filled with love and temptations.
Jazz gave her lover another kiss, then replied with a subtle smile, “Then, you better take me to your chamber. I’m getting a little cold now.”
It was all what the mirialan needed to hear–she carried the sith hybrid over to their shared room before anyone wandered through the corridor and catch them in the act.
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mousegard · 1 year
Hapi from Three Houses/Hopes
favorite thing about them
i love like... everything about hapi. she's the best of the ashen wolves. a+ character design. a+ backstory. a+ personality. she's just so fucking good. the apathetic doomer cynic with a good heart deep down who deserves kindness after having been beaten down by one thing after another for her whole life is just. precious. protect her. she deserves only nice things
also. boobs.
least favorite thing about them
hapi being the "honorary blue lion" out of the ashen wolves sucks ass. her supports with dimitri serve no purpose other than to exposition dump about his stepmom to him. she should have had supports with edelgard. we got a taste of hapi and edelgard bonding in three hopes but were still cruelly denied actual support conversations
favorite line
"yeah i'm buff as heck. what of it?"
i really like seeing platonic/sisterly relationships between hapi, lysithea, and edelgard. i want the former slither experiments to bond and find kinship in their shared experiences! lysithea deserves a cool big sister like hapi and hapi deserves a little sister like lysithea. and edelgard would bring out the best of them both
there's also hapi and mercedes, which literally only makes sense in the specific context of the au i created for an eagle among lions
i really have a soft spot for hapi and ashe, their support chain is really cute and they have great chemistry together
also, hapigard is a vastly underrated ship. i was shipping them before they had any canon interactions with each other
i mentioned how much i dislike her supports with dimitri. i don't like viscerally recoil from the thought of shipping them or anything but like... why would you do that
all of hapi's other ships i'm neutral about at worst. they may not do anything for me but they don't feel like a waste of effort
random headcanon
hapi likes cats and cats like her. she has ingame dialogue about how she can't seem to get cats to like her, but when i was last playing cf i triggered that line of dialogue not five minutes after i saw her literally surrounded by like half a dozen cats so i think she was lying about that
also. tgirl swag to the extreme
unpopular opinion
i don't think i have any unpopular opinions about hapi. is "what the fuck is she doing with the blue lions" an unpopular opinion?
song i associate with them
"bullet with butterfly wings" by the smashing pumpkins but it's the neil cicierega version that takes the lyrics and puts it over the instrumental backing track of "working for the weekend" by loverboy
favorite picture of them
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